Memory's Marrow
Memory's Marrow is a short film about the utility of storytelling and its function, like religious traditions, to bracket experiences of which all people must pass through. A tall-tale localized to a frontier family on the cusp of modernity must pass through the old tradition of the Ars Moriendi, the art of dying or the good death.
Director Noah Lamport and Director of Photography Mitch Worley looking through the field monitor.
Director of Photography Mitch Worley using his lightweight slider.
Symbolism is key in this non-linear narrative. The present is layered with the past.
Actor, Josh Andrews, blocks his scene.
Actors Josh Andrews and Liam Bobbitt rehearse before their scene together.
Actress, Prema Baptist, Director Noah Lamport, and actress Maddie Smyth go through their blocking.
Actor Jorge De Jesus and Director of Photography Mitch Worley iron out lighting.